Wisdom Teeth Extraction

in Toronto, Ontario

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Removal of wisdom teeth is a usual dental procedure and is frequently a subject of conversation among young adults. The decision to remove these third molars can be complicated, but understanding when and why extraction is necessary can help individuals make informed choices regarding their oral health.

When do you need your wisdom teeth be removed?

Some dentists advise extracting wisdom teeth that fail to emerge fully. Often, removing wisdom teeth during young adulthood, typically between 15 to 22 years old, proves safer, simpler, and involves swifter recovery compared to extraction later in life. This is due to less developed roots, less dense jaw bone, and faster post-surgery recovery. 

Hence, many young adults preemptively opt for wisdom teeth removal to avoid future complications.

According to the American Dental Association, indications for wisdom teeth extraction include:


Pain in the rear of the mouth

This common symptom suggests emerging or problematic wisdom teeth, with pain varying from intermittent to persistent.


Swollen gums

Eruption of wisdom teeth can lead to tender, swollen gums, hindering proper cleaning during brushing.


Gum bleeding

Alongside inflammation, bleeding gums during brushing can indicate the emergence of wisdom teeth.


Formation of cysts

Prolonged neglect of wisdom teeth can prompt cyst formation, potentially damaging the mouth and jaw.


Earaches or headaches

Wisdom teeth-related discomfort may extend beyond the mouth, causing pain in adjacent areas such as the ears or head.


Jaw pain or stiffness

Improperly emerging wisdom teeth can alter the bite, causing pain and stiffness in the jaw.


Sinus problems

Growing wisdom teeth can exert pressure on the sinuses, leading to sinus pain, headaches, and congestion.


Tooth misalignment

Despite space constraints, wisdom teeth continue growing, potentially causing overcrowding and crooked teeth. Extraction becomes necessary to alleviate this issue.

Dentists typically conduct X-rays to assess potential overcrowding before wisdom teeth fully emerge. Seeking timely evaluation and, if necessary, extraction can prevent complications such as the need for braces due to tooth misalignment. For wisdom teeth removal inquiries, contact BK Dental at 416-490-1264 or contact us here

Deciding on wisdom teeth extraction can be challenging; consult your dentist or oral surgeon to find out the best course of action for you.

How much does wisdom teeth removal cost in Toronto?

Getting your wisdom teeth removed in Toronto usually costs between $160 and $500, depending on how tough it is to remove them. But the final price depends on three things:

  1. How many wisdom teeth you need to have taken out?
  2. Where your wisdom teeth are in your jaw affects how complex the surgery will be?
  3. Whether you want to be awake, sleepy, or completely asleep during the procedure, each option costs more money, with heavier sedation costing the most?


On average, the whole process costs about $1,800. That includes taking out up to four wisdom teeth while you’re under sedation.

Wisdom teeth extraction photo

What is the process of wisdom teeth extraction?

If the wisdom tooth hasn’t emerged through the gum, a small cut (incision) will be made in the gum to reach it. Sometimes, a small piece of the bone lid of the tooth might also need to be taken out. To ease removal, the tooth may be divided into smaller parts if necessary.

However, if the tooth has already broken through the gum, there’s usually no need for an incision.

You might feel some pressure just before the tooth is pulled out. This happens because your dentist or oral surgeon needs to widen the tooth socket by gently rocking the tooth back and forth. Since the area will be numbed, you shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. But if you experience pain, let your dentist or oral surgeon know immediately so they can provide more anesthetics.

The duration of the tooth removal procedure can vary. Simple procedures may take only a few minutes, while more complex ones can last longer than 20 minutes.

After the surgery, if an incision is made, dissolving stitches are used to close the gum. Your dentist will inform you about how long it typically takes for these stitches to dissolve, usually within 7 to 10 days.

You might be advised to bite down on the gauze at the extraction site for about an hour to encourage blood clot formation in the socket.

In some instances, antibiotics might be prescribed if there is an ongoing infection.

For the first 24 hours following the wisdom tooth removal, it is advisable to avoid:

  • Rinsing your mouth with liquid.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Consuming hot liquids like tea or soup.
  • Engaging in strenuous physical activities.

Don’t let damaged or missing teeth hold you back.

BK Dental offers a range of restorative treatments to restore your smile’s health and function. Contact us today for a consultation.

How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth removal?

The recovery time after wisdom teeth removal differs from one person to another, but typically, it takes about 3 to 7 days for most people to feel relatively normal again. During the first few days, you may experience swelling, discomfort, and difficulty eating solid foods. Pain and swelling usually peak within the first 48 hours and then gradually improve. 

It’s essential to follow your dentist or oral surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully to promote proper healing and minimize complications. 


These instructions often include resting, applying ice packs to reduce swelling, taking prescribed pain medications, eating soft foods, and avoiding strenuous activities. 

If you have any concerns or notice any unusual symptoms during your recovery, be sure to contact your dentist or oral surgeon promptly.

What can you eat after wisdom teeth extraction?

After wisdom teeth extraction, it’s important to eat soft, easy-to-chew foods to avoid irritating the surgical site and aid in the healing process. Here are some suggestions:

  • Soups.
  • Smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Applesauce
  • Pudding or Jello
  • Oatmeal
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Smooth Nut Butter

Keep in mind to avoid hot or spicy foods, crunchy foods, and foods that require much chewing to hinder irritation or injury to the surgical site. 

It’s also necessary to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, but again, avoid using a straw to prevent dislodging blood clots.

Teeth Extraction in Scarborough

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