How Long Do Dental Implants Actually Last

How Long Do Dental Implants Actually Lasts?

When it comes to covering up lost teeth, dental implants stand out as the choice. A single dental implant can seamlessly replace a missing tooth. Provide a base for bridges or dentures. One of the benefits of choosing implants is their impressive durability. Compared to options for replacing teeth, implants have a lifespan guaranteeing lasting functionality and appearance.

When it comes to covering up lost teeth, dental implants stand out as the choice. A single dental implant can seamlessly replace a missing tooth. Provide a base for bridges or dentures. One of the benefits of choosing implants is their impressive durability. Compared to options for replacing teeth, implants have a lifespan guaranteeing lasting functionality and appearance.

How Long Do Dental Implants Actually Last

How many years can you expect dental implants to last? Let’s explore what you can look forward to in terms of their longevity.

Can Dental Implants Last a Lifetime?

There are actually a couple of parts to this question. One is related to the implant itself, and the other is related to what goes on top of it, either the crown for an individual or a couple of teeth or a bridge for an entire arch of teeth. The implant itself has the potential to last you a lifetime, but it does require proper maintenance. We suggest that patients use a water pick or some other type of irrigator, brush, and floss and regularly visit the dentist for maintenance.

Crowns and bridges can also last a lifetime, but they undergo some wear and tear from normal chewing and grinding forces.

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

When a tooth goes missing, the closest teeth may shift, leading to bite problems, food trapping and decay, or gum issues. You might have watched videos and read articles about getting an implant. Initially, the tooth is. There’s usually a six-month waiting period before the implant is placed. Then, it takes another four to six months before adding the crown on top. It may seem like quite a while focusing on one tooth. It pays off in the long term. You’re actually saving yourself time in the future by avoiding things like redoing procedures.

Now, you might wonder why not opt for a bridge. While bridges are an option, studies indicate they typically last around 10 to 15 years on average, compared to implants, which can last up to 30 years. Therefore, when deciding, it’s crucial to consider the long-term advantages. A single dental implant can be beneficial for you for a period compared to other options.

So, what are the benefits of replacing a tooth with an implant? To start, dental braces stop teeth from moving and creating dental problems. Additionally, they evenly spread the pressure of biting across all your teeth, which is essential for keeping your mouth healthy.

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Do Dental Implants Get Cavities?

No. The tooth that has been treated with an implant doesn’t decay since the materials used in implants are resistant to decay. Nonetheless, there is a possibility of developing inflammation known as Peri-implantitis, which can impact the surrounding tissues. It is crucial to have maintenance and checkups to prevent any issues.

What Happens When Dental Implants Go Bad?

While getting a dental implant may seem simple, there’s a chance for complications if it’s not done correctly by a professional. Issues can arise immediately after the procedure or down the road.

How do you recognize problems with your implant? Here are some signs to watch out for;

  1. Discomfort and pain: Feeling pain near the site could cause concern.
  2. Gum recession: If you notice your gums receding from the implant, it’s a warning sign.
  3. Difficulty chewing: Struggling to eat or chew properly might indicate a problem with your implant.
  4. Loose implant: If your implant feels unstable or moves unexpectedly, it’s time to have it examined.
  5. Swollen gums: Swelling in the area around the implant could suggest issues.
  6. Small movements: Even slight movements of the implant could be an indication of trouble.
  7. Allergic reactions: Developing allergies related to the implant should be looked into
  8. Grinding your teeth can add pressure to the implant, which could lead to problems.

While dental implant procedures are generally successful, there is always a risk of complications. It’s important to stay alert and watch out for any warning signs. If you observe any of these indicators, it’s best to seek advice from both your surgeon and dentist. Before proceeding with an implant, ensure that they carefully examine your background to confirm that you are a candidate and that there are no underlying issues, such as allergies or weak gums and jawbones, that could impact the success of the implant.

Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?

The answer is Yes. Dental implants are like fixed replacements for your lost natural teeth. They’re designed to look, feel, and work just like your original teeth. But there’s one key difference between them: with natural teeth, the root is connected to the bone by tiny fibers that act like cushions when you eat or bite down. However, with implants, they’re directly fused into the bone without those soft fibers to cushion the impact. So, when you’re chewing on tough stuff like ice, opening bottles with your teeth, or biting into very hard objects, it’s essential to be cautious. This helps ensure that your implants stay strong and durable over time. But overall, implants are fantastic because they blend perfectly with your natural teeth in appearance and function.

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Key Takeaway

Experts specializing in implants have conducted research and discovered a crucial finding for the optimal longevity of dental implants: three key elements are essential. Firstly, high-quality products are necessary. Secondly, having a dentist who is proficient in procedures is vital. Lastly, regular dental checkups are imperative to maintain the implants.

It is important to comprehend the factors influencing the lifespan of implants to ensure their durability. By understanding these factors, necessary measures can be taken to preserve the strength and longevity of the implants. In case any issues arise with the implants, prompt consultation with a dentist is highly recommended to determine the course of action.

If you’re in search of dental implants services in Scarborough, Toronto, BK Dental provides durable solutions for replacing missing teeth. Feel free to contact us today to schedule an appointment and assess whether dental implants are suitable for your needs!

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When it comes to covering up lost teeth, dental implants stand out as the choice. A single dental implant can seamlessly replace a missing tooth. Provide a base for bridges or dentures. One of the benefits of choosing implants is their impressive durability. Compared to options for replacing teeth, implants have a lifespan guaranteeing lasting functionality and appearance.

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